Here is an example of a holiday accrual card from Team Manager:
Holiday accrual card in Astrow Web
The following is an explanation of the table used:
Accrual period (marked in blue):
The expiration period for actual accrual is marked in orange:
Balance days/hours:
The calculation of the holidays left after deducting what is taken.
Change days/hours:
The deducted holidays.
Carry over initial:
Holiday lost:
Automatic accrual:
The days/hours added to the balance from the period accrued.
Rounding earning:
The rounding is applicable only for the fixed period Monthly and only for the value 2.08 accrual per month up to 1 year. E.g. 2.08 days x 12 months will be rounded to 25 days. In the last month of the year, the employee will be given the round earning.
This takes into consideration the counters included in the holiday definition.
Holiday expired:
It is always calculated considering the Validity period in the Employee's definition or in holiday definition.
Absence taken days/hours:
The amount to be deducted as holidays taken. It is inserted in the table in the period the holiday was taken.
The days/hours to be added/deducted as manual correction (see explanation below).
The following is a list of other options available:
Sending the holiday card via email:
View employee button - link to the employee's definition:
Add counter correction (see the explanation below):
Delete counter correction:
The accrued interval:
Option to check the accrual until a specified date.
You can modify the Accrued until setting to display the future periods in Holiday data:
Hide expiration date option:
Options to sort the view by eliminating unnecessary information - see explanations above:
Checkbox to display the corrections made:
Navigation buttons for employees:
moves to the first employee;
moves to the previous employee;
moves to the next employee;
moves to the last employee.
Status communication with Astrow Comm:
shows that Astrow did not proceed with the last calculations as it is busy or the calculation service is not running;
shows that all data of the day is up to date.
Print button.
Refresh button.
To add a holiday accrual correction positive or negative, click inside the corresponding table period and then the button
. The positive values will add holiday, and the negative values will deduct. You can also delete a correction made by using the button
. For corrections users need a Manager role.
Adding a holiday accrual correction is Astrow Web
Comments can be added to each correction/deletion of a correction made. The note can be defined as compulsory for the manager to fill whenever they add or delete a correction or as a possibility to save it empty. This is done in personal or system preferences, in Settings - System - tab Application config. for system settings, or in Security - Users - New/Edit - tab Options for personal settings. The option is Add day note on accrual correction, and notes are saved in Notes.
Example of holiday card for a holiday accrual definition in Astrow Web