Add an Absence Request in New Request

To add an absence request, go to Operations - Absence Request:
Displaying the New Absence Request window in Astrow Web
Select the days you want to add your absence:
Selecting days of the request in the New Absence Request calendar in Astrow Web
When making an absence request, do not select periods with more than 100 days gap between them! In this case, we advise you to make two absence requests.
Select the absence from the list of absences available. Select the authorization time type you need. If custom, you can define the absence duration:
Example of a complete absence request in Astrow Web
You can also add a comment for your authorizer.
When adding a new absence request, you can also see your teammates scheduled absences. This can avoid absences overlapping. Click . This will display the team viewer.
A detailed explanation related to team scheduled absences can be found in chapter View Team Scheduled Absences.
Click Save to send the request. If the request is OK, a success message appears.
Saved request  successfully message in Astrow Web
When saving an absence linked to a holiday (in Configuration - Employees), there is a real-time validation of the remaining holiday. A warning popup appears if any issue, e.g. no more holiday:
Absence request validation message in Astrow Web
Click the button to check the reason your absence request is not processed:
Absence request validation details in Astrow Web
Click Yes if you want to send it anyway, Cancel to discard the current request and initiate another, or No to close the page.