Add an Absence Request on ST-25 Terminal
In order to be able to add absence requests from the terminal, the
Absence request option must be activated in terminal configuration (see
ST-25 Edit Astrow Configuration), and the users should have the
ESSUser role.
To add an absence request on an ST-25, press the button
. This will be sent to Authorizer.
The main screen on ST-25 terminal
Next swipe the card (prox terminals), press your finger on the scan surface or enter the PIN (bio terminals):
The actions required on ST-25 biometric terminal
The PIN entered on ST-25 biometric terminal
The absence request page is displayed:
Absence request page on ST-25 terminal
Next, press on the fields to select the start and the end date. On the left, you can roll up and down the month, date and year, or you can swipe up or down the months on the right and select the date:
Entering an absence request period on ST-25 terminal
In the field Absence, the list of absences will be displayed:
List of absences on ST-25 terminal
Next, you will choose the authorization type in field Auth type:
List of authorization time types on ST-25 terminal
If the authorization type is Custom, press inside the field to add the custom time. Roll up and down the hours and minutes to adjust the desired time.
Adjust the custom time for an absence request on ST-25 terminal
If you choose the option Include non working days, it will include the nonworking days in your request.
Absence request with custom time on ST-25 terminal
A comment can be added for the Authorizer:
Comment when adding an absence request on ST-25 terminal
When finished, press the button Save at the top left of the screen.
Absence request saved on ST-25 terminal