Application Settings for Basic

  • An incident is a number of self-certificate absences, always expressed in full working days; its duration is set by the parameter Max. self-certificate days per interval (Basic). The default is 3. This parameter cannot be changed.
  • The maximum number of self-certificate (SC) incidents allowed in a year is expressed by the parameter Self certificate yearly incidents (Basic). The default is 4.
  • Astrow will raise a notification when adding the self-certificate absence if an incident left to be taken. This is expressed by parameter Left incidents before notification (Basic) and the default is 1.
  • After an incident occurs, an interval should pass before taking a new self-certificate (SC), starting with the first working day. This interval is expressed in calendar days and is set by the parameter Post illness min. work interval. The default is 16.
  • The same interval before taking a new self-certificate (SC), expressed by parameter Post illness min. work interval should pass after using a doctor certificate (DC).
  • If the interval includes non-working days (e.g. Saturday and Sunday) these non-working days will be included in the self-certificate (SC) filling up to Max. self-certificate days per interval (Basic), which is by default 3.
  • The FTE% can be defined per interval/per employee.
  • If a year interval is split into more FTE intervals, the average will be applied in reports: FTE = (FTE1 + … + FTEn)/n. Example:
FTE% by period
1 Jan – 30 Jun
1 Jul – 30 Sep
1 Oct – 31 Dec
Reporting period
FTE% applied
1 Jan – 31 Dec