Application Settings for Basic
An incident is a number of self-certificate absences, always expressed in full working days; its duration is set by the parameter Max. self-certificate days per interval (Basic). The default is 3. This parameter cannot be changed.
The maximum number of self-certificate (SC) incidents allowed in a year is expressed by the parameter Self certificate yearly incidents (Basic). The default is 4.
Astrow will raise a notification when adding the self-certificate absence if an incident left to be taken. This is expressed by parameter Left incidents before notification (Basic) and the default is 1.
After an incident occurs, an interval should pass before taking a new self-certificate (SC), starting with the first working day. This interval is expressed in calendar days and is set by the parameter Post illness min. work interval. The default is 16.
The same interval before taking a new self-certificate (SC), expressed by parameter Post illness min. work interval should pass after using a doctor certificate (DC).
If the interval includes non-working days (e.g. Saturday and Sunday) these non-working days will be included in the self-certificate (SC) filling up to Max. self-certificate days per interval (Basic), which is by default 3.
The FTE% can be defined per interval/per employee.
If a year interval is split into more FTE intervals, the average will be applied in reports: FTE = (FTE1 + … + FTEn)/n. Example:
FTE% by period
1 Jan – 30 Jun
1 Jul – 30 Sep
1 Oct – 31 Dec
Reporting period
FTE% applied
1 Jan – 31 Dec