Add, Edit and Delete Bank Holidays
To add a bank holiday definition, go to Configuration - Bank Holidays, select a calendar (or add one - see Add, Edit and Delete a Calendar) and choose one or more dates:
Selecting a calendar in the Bank Holidays window in Astrow Web
One or more bank holidays can be added to one definition. You can use the region as references to your definition. However, the definition will not include the region preset dates; you need to add them:
Choosing a region to display the predefined calendar in the Bank Holidays window in Astrow Web
Once selecting the date(s), click
Adding bank holidays to a calendar definition in the Bank Holidays window in Astrow Web
Adding a bank holiday definition to a calendar definition in the Bank Holidays window in Astrow Web
Color mark codes for bank holidays:
Mark for recurrence.
Mark for overlap in more calendars.
Preset official bank holiday.
Calendar selection for definition.
Calendar set date.
However, you can edit or delete only one by one. To edit a bank holiday, select the date (blue marked) and make the required changes:
Editing a bank holiday in a calendar in the Bank Holiday window in Astrow Web
Use the button to delete the
bank holiday:
Deleting a bank holiday in a calendar in the Bank Holiday window in Astrow Web