Bradford Factor ReportBradford Factor Report measures employee absenteeism based on the idea that unplanned absences are more disruptive than longer uninterrupted absences. Bradford scores are a way of identifying individuals with serious absence patterns for further investigation. It helps to highlight the causes of concern, and it is often one of the first steps in elaborating an attendance procedure.
It is calculated by the formula:
B = S x S x D, where
B is the Bradford Factor score.
S is the total number of instances of absence of an individual over a set period.
D is the total number of days of absence of that individual over the same set period.
The calculated period can be over 52 weeks or 13 weeks. Based on the scores, you can take corrective measures (written warnings or decisions to change the current procedures, etc.).
To calculate a Bradford score, go to Reports - Bradford Factor:
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