Day Programs

Day programs consist of time interval rules that apply on a specific day, as normal time schedule, breaks, rounding time, revisions or overtimes. Any calculation in Astrow is made based on an even number of bookings.
Type of bookings:
  • GO booking - the first booking of the day;
  • OUT booking - booking in the break or other;
  • IN booking - booking out of the break or other;
  • END booking - last booking of the day.
The minimum requirement to calculate a result is one GO booking and one END booking. As soon as such a booking pair is found, Astrow Web can start calculating. The second booking will get the (temporary) END status until another booking has been generated.
Example:     08:00 – 12:00 (GO + END booking)
                 08:00 – 12:00 – 13:00 – 17:00 (GO + OUT + IN + END booking)
Follow the links below to add day programs.