Fixed Holiday Card View

Here is an example of a fixed holiday card from Team Manager:
Fixed holiday card in Astrow Web
The following is an explanation of the table used:
  • Carry over: The number of days/hours of holidays that have been carried over from the previous year.
  • Entitlement: The number of days/hours of the holiday the employee is entitled during the year, according to the curriculum.
  • Calculated: The total number of hours of the holiday the employee is entitled to, calculated based on the counter linked to the holiday counter.
  • Taken from next period: If the number of planned holidays/hours for the next year exceeds the available amount of that year, the days/hours taken will be deducted from the current year to fill up this shortage. These days/hours that have already been planned during the next year will then be deducted from the current year's total number of available days/hours. This can only be applied for holiday counters with a positive carry over.
  • Total available: The total number of days/hours of holiday that are available for the displayed year and the holiday counter selected.
  • Taken to date: The total number of days/hours of holiday that have been taken already during the year selected.
  • Detailed holiday records tab of the holiday card displays a detailed overview of these taken days/hours of holiday. It includes the current day.
  • Remaining to date: The total number of days/hours of holiday that are available today. It includes holiday hours planned for the current day. This is calculated as Tot. Available – Taken to date.
  • Planned: The total number of days/hours of holiday planned for the future.
  • Total remaining: The total number of days/hours of available holidays that are left during the displayed year. It includes all holiday hours/days, taken and planned.
  • Detailed holiday records: Displays in detail the holidays/hours planned for the selected year and for the selected holiday counter.
  • Automatic holidays: Displays in detail the calculated hours the employee is entitled to, based on the counter you linked to the holiday.
The following is a list of other options available:
Sending the holiday card via email:
View employee button - link to the employee's definition:
Navigation buttons for periods:
moves to the previous year;
current year;
moves to next year.
Navigation buttons for employees:
moves to the first employee;
moves to the previous employee;
moves to the next employee;
moves to the last employee.
Status communication with Astrow Comm:
  • shows that Astrow did not proceed with the last calculations as it is busy or the calculation service is not running;
  • shows that all data of the day is up to date.
Print button.
Refresh button.