GS Manager Configuration and Operation Page

 New GS access terminals will be defined exclusively in Access - GS Manager and will run with a license for Access. DO NOT link them is Communication - Terminal Manager!
Daily work for Access will be done in Access - GS Manager. To add a new GS terminal manager, see New/Edit GS Manager. To add/edit a (slave) terminal, see New/Edit GS/GT Terminal.
GS Manager window in Astrow Web

Actions bar options

Reboots the GS.
Here you can activate/deactivate the relays manually. If checked, the relays are ON; if unchecked, the relays are OFF. Please note that this will change the initial automatic configuration (see Relays for more details).
Resets all relays to their default status.
Lock/unlock commands for the GS/GT. If checked, the terminal is locked and does not permit the punch; if unchecked, the terminal is unlocked.
Ignores all alarms.
Here you can upgrade the GS firmware. Browse for the location of the zip file and click OK.

Configuration bar options

Advanced parameters configuration of GS (see GS Parameters).
Timezone settings for relays activation (see Access Timezones).
Configuration for opening the doors automatically (see Access Door Open).
Signals configuration (see Access Signals).
Relays configuration (see Access Relays).
Inputs configuration (see Access Inputs).
Holidays access settings (see Access Holiday Definitions).
Synchronizes the GS with the application (see GS Set Time).
Resends all definitions to the terminal.
Clears all data on the terminal (you need to Resend all after clear).
Displays all configurations in one page for printing (see GS Configuration Full View).

Terminal control display

Here is the Control Display (see below the options explained):
Terminal control display in GS Manager window in Astrow Web

Terminal control options

Click to edit the GS (see New/Edit GS Manager)
Click to edit The GS/GT terminals (see New/Edit GS/GT Terminal).
Mark for Access terminal.
Mark for T&A terminal.
Mark for inputs (see Access Inputs).
Mark for relays (see Access Relays).
Move the cursor over to add a new GT:
Show the space availability out of the number of lots defined (see option Max space count from New/Edit GS Manager)

Detached relays

Use the option to display the relays and inputs detached for viewing/editing.
Terminal control display with buttons detached in GS Manager window in Astrow Web

Event log display

Operators can see the event log at the right of the screen; however, for the history log, just click to check the event logger (see more at Access Event Logger).
Event log display in GS Manager window in Astrow Web

Other options

A searching tool.
Adds a new GS terminal.
Notification sound on/off.
Refresh button.