Licensing Astrow

Using CodeMeterAct, the license activation and updates are done by several steps, as presented below (Licensor = Amano, Licensee = customer):
License procedure for activation
The activation process contains three files:
  • License Information File (WBB) - provided by Amano;
  • License Request File (RAC) - generated by the customer, based on WBB;
  • License Update File (RAU) - provided by Amano, based on RAC.
Please note that the supplier cannot read or update RAU files! The licensor will only change RAC files.
When licensing Astrow, we will distinct between:
  • New license activation;
  • Update license.
New license activation: The CodeMeter application is newly installed or reinstalled, and, in this case, the process will require a new empty file to be written (see Generating a New Request File). A new license file is needed when installing the application for the first time or when changing the server (except making the dongle licenses that are not bound to the hardware; in this case, you just plug it in the new server).
Update license: There is a license deployed already, and, in this process, the existing file will be updated (see Generating an Update Request File). Updating a license means: changing the Astrow application version, changing the options, extend or set the expiration date.