View, Add, Edit and Delete Own Absence Request in My Requests
In My Request - tab Absences, users can see all their absence requests. One can add new absence requests, edit or delete the initiated ones (if not yet approved by at least one level of authorization) or see approval details.
Go to View - My Request - tab Absences:
My Requests window in Astrow Web
By default, only requests initiated and in progress are displayed. To view all, select the option All:
Drop-down menu for customizing the view in My Requests window in Astrow Web
Now all absence requests are available:
All requests in My Requests window in Astrow Web
The following is a list of possible statuses:
Passed through all levels of authorization and processed by Astrow.
Colour: if approved by all levels of authorization and processed.
Rejected by one level of authorization. Colour: if rejected by an authorization level; if processed with errors.
No authorization:
An absence that does not require authorization. Colour: .
An absence initiated but not yet approved by any levels. Colours: .
In progress:
An absence authorized by at least one level but still in progress of authorization. Colour: .
An absence approved by all levels of authorization but not yet processed. Colour: .
To add a new absence request, click
. Window New Absence Request opens:
Adding a new absence request from My Requests window in Astrow Web
You can edit or delete only requests with status initiated; for the rest, you can only see their details in edit mode. To edit an absence initiated, select it and click
or double-click on it. Window New Absence Request opens and you can edit your absence request. To delete an absence request, select it and click
To access your holiday card, click on the
. To view absence details, double-click on it. Details of absence request level and authorization status are displayed (see View Request Details).