Multiple Delete Permissions
To multiple unassign permissions for users, click Security - Users. Select the
button on the right:
Multiple unassign permissions in Users window in Astrow Web
Remove permission window opens:
Multiple unassign permissions window in Users window in Astrow Web
Types of filters:
Filter by selected users: This selection will take into account all other filters applied for selection.
Filter by all users: This selection will take all the users in the application regardless of other filters applied.
Filter by activity in the system
For type of users there are also different icons:
WebMobileVT (discontinued)
To multiply unassign permissions to users, add a filter or manually select the users:
Select multiple users in Unassign permissions window in Users window in Astrow Web
Select the permissions to be unassigned and click Save:
Select multiple permissions in Unassign permissions window in Users window in Astrow Web
You can also search
the user/permission desired. Use X to clear the search.