Project Bookings on ST-25To add project bookings, swipe the card / enter PIN or press the finger (for bio terminals).
If your configuration is ASTROW, you need to select Project first.
Select the project:
Select the component:
Select the activity:
Select START JOB to enter a project booking:
The activity has started:
To add an end project booking, swipe the card / enter PIN or press the finger (for bio terminals):
For the END JOB booking, if the parameter Project multi-user jobs (see Terminal Configuration for Projects) is set on No, the second project booking will be automatically detected as end booking. If this parameter is set on Yes, you need to select the path in the same way as previous and then press END JOB:
Fill in the quantity if the parameter Project Use Quantity is set on YES (for example, 30 pages of proofreading):
The project work is ended: