Project Time History

To survey within the project record, go to Operations - New Project Time and click the button :
Project time history button in Astrow WeB
Here is the Project Time History page. It contains both calculated project bookings and project time added records:
Page project history in Astrow WeB
The following is a list with the sorting options in Project Time History:
A searching tool by the name of the project, category or activity.
Print button;
A drop-down menu for the period type you want to display.
Calendars for starting date and ending dates.
Choose the starting date (and ending date for customized periods) for a calendar displayed.
You can search through the previous month or next month .
The button can help you easily select a date desired, if not the current year or month.
Navigation buttons for time periods:
moves to previous period;
moves to previous day;
current element;
moves to next day;
moves to the next period.
Click whenever you change the period displayed.
Refresh button .