View Absence Requests History
Requests History is an overview of all absence requests received by an Authorizer and their statuses. In Requests History, one can view and print absence requests and approval details. Go to View - Requests History:
Requests History window in Astrow Web
The following is a list of possible statuses:
Passed through all levels of authorization and processed by Astrow.
Colour: if approved by all levels of authorization and processed in Astrow Web; if approved by all authorization levels, but not yet processed.
Rejected by at least one level of authorization. Colour: if rejected by an authorization level in Astrow Web; if processed with errors.
An absence authorized by at least one level but still in progress of authorization. Colour: .
If you want to see the absence request details, double-click on an absence request field to see the details (see Manage Request View).
You can use the button
to print the absence request. If you need a custom print template, please contact your provider! The HR System will be able to upload the new template file using the button
. This can be done in Manage Request, Request History and System.