SQL Syntax

All SQL statements are in Unicode format.
Command specification
Table names are mandatory for each command.
All the uppercase words are mandatory, and they are part of the command definition.
All the round parenthesis enclosing statements are mandatory.
A logical expression is optional in a statement. When missing, the command applies to all the rows in the specified table.
String quotes
A string may have '(single quote) or ''(double quote) around it.
An 'inside a string started with' may be written as '' (2 consecutive single quotes).
An "inside a string started with" may be written as " " (2 consecutive double quotes).
Special characters
String expressions in SQL statements support the following special characters:
An ASCII 0 character.
A new line character.
A tab character.
A return character.
A backspace character.
A ' (single quote) character.
A " (double quote) character.
A \ character.
A % character. This is used in wild-card strings to search after %.
A _ character. This is used in wild-card strings to search after _.