Tab Evaluations/Decisions
HR Curriculum - Professional information - tab Evaluations/Decisions in Astrow Web
Here you can keep records of all evaluations/decisions related to one employee. To add a new evaluation or decision, click

Select the type of record you want to add, Evaluation or Decision:
Adding a new evaluation/decision record in HR Curriculum - Professional information - tab Evaluations/Decisions in Astrow Web
Changed the date start/end if necessary:
Selecting the date start/end for a new evaluation/decision record in HR Curriculum - Professional information - tab Evaluations/Decisions in Astrow Web
Add comments and interviewer name:
Adding information for an evaluation record in HR Curriculum - Professional information - tab Evaluations/Decisions in Astrow Web
To rate an evaluation, click on the rating column and select your rating 1-10:
Rating an evaluation in the HR Curriculum in Astrow Web
Decisions can only be added with comments.
Double-click on the field to edit. To delete a record, use the
