New/Edit Automatic Day ProgramTo define a new autoDP, go to Configuration - AutoDP Table, click
Name: Full name for the autoDP table (maximum 32 characters). This name will be used in the selection list in the day program (see also Tab Auto - Link Automatic Day Programs and Define Automatic Bookings).
From: Set the period of time from which the default day program will be replaced by an automatic day program (specified in the next input field). The zone ends at the start of the next zone.
Having an auto DP assigned to the default day program, one employee can switch between day programs automatically, but he still has a default day program to be applied in some cases (when he is absent, for example, or when he's presence is out of auto DP). This is done taking in consideration the first booking, GO. If the GO booking is generated within a period of time set in the AutoDP table, this table will be activated; otherwise the default day program will be applied. The default day program is considered the one you define in the first 2 tabs of the day program in which this definition is linked afterwards, Core and Break/Round.
Day program: Select the required day program from the drop-down list.
Up to 20 different periods (with different day programs) can be set for each AutoDP table.