New/Edit Chop GroupTo define a new chop group (see Chop Rules), go to Configuration - Chop Groups, click
Name: Full name of the chop group (maximum 32 characters). This name appears in the drop-down list of the employee definition.
Cnt: Select the time items to be limited. Put your cursor in an input field and press the F2 button to generate a list of all available counters (see List of Counters).
Countername: This field shows a description of the selected counter.
Max: Here you can specify the maximum value for this counter; naturally, this value depends on the type of counter you select. A counter that saves monthly hours can have a bigger value than a counter that saves daily hours. You can also limit the balance. In this case, you can never exceed the value entered in this field, since the hours will even be subtracted through the period once you have reached this limit.
Min: Here you can specify the minimum value for this counter.
Rule: In this field you can enter a number, between 0 and 3, each referring to a different kind of chop rule.