Data Collection

Data collection is a functionality to avoid wasting time when booking small job operations on the iT30/iT300 proximity terminals. It enables the employee to insert the number of operations of a type defined done during a working day. Instead of booking with CC or MC for each operation, you can book a number of operations just at ones at the terminal. Those operations are linked to a C counter and always show the sum of insertions made in a day.
Please note that Data Collection definitions and operations is available with MSS, Data Collection and Run Scripting licenses. The links below will help you define data collection.
Please follow the links below to define data collection for terminal insert.
On iT30 employees will press the F4 key (DC) on iT30 or F1 key on iT300:
Main screen on iT30/iT300 terminal
A list of data fields is displayed:
DC definitions on iT30/iT300 terminal
Next, employee selects an data field from the list:
Choosing a DC definition on iT30/iT300 terminal
Next, type by keypad the data field value:
Entering data collection info on iT30/iT300 terminal
Finally, swipe the personal card:
Main screen on iT30/iT300 terminal
Please note that manual badge is not allowed.
Swiping the card will not create any time or job booking.