Data CollectionData collection is a functionality to avoid wasting time when booking small job operations on the iT30/iT300 proximity terminals. It enables the employee to insert the number of operations of a type defined done during a working day. Instead of booking with CC or MC for each operation, you can book a number of operations just at ones at the terminal. Those operations are linked to a C counter and always show the sum of insertions made in a day.
Please follow the links below to define data collection for terminal insert.
On iT30 employees will press the F4 key (DC) on iT30 or F1 key on iT300:
A list of data fields is displayed:
Next, employee selects an data field from the list:
Next, type by keypad the data field value:
Finally, swipe the personal card:
Please note that manual badge is not allowed.
Swiping the card will not create any time or job booking.