Default Roles

Default roles are predefined in Astrow Web, but they can be customized to suit your organizational needs.
Employee role is for regular employees to see their timecard, holiday card, dashboard etc. Permissions can be customized, in case they use VT, for example. Employee permissions are defined, but not limited to:
View Preferences: Enable users to view preferences;
Edit Preferences: Enable users to edit preferences.
View Messages: Enable users to view received messages.
TerminalManager role enables the employees to manage the settings for the terminals. TerminalManager permissions are defined, but not limited to:
View Terminal Manager: Enable users to view terminals;
Configure Terminals: Enable users to configure terminals.
TrustedUser role enables the employees to modify their own bookings and absences. TrustedUser permissions are defined, but not limited to:
Self Edit Bookings: Enable users to edit own bookings;
Self Change Schedule: Enable users to change own day program and cycle;
Self Edit Absences: Enable users to edit own absences;
Self Authorize MCs: Enable users to authorize own bookings MC.