New/Edit Multiple MC Card

Multiple MC cards are cards or fingerprint templates that are linked to the MC codes. A multiple MC card can only be linked to one MC code. However, different cards can be linked to the same MC code.
The multiple MC card is used to append a MC code to the clockings of a group of employees. Repeat MC codes always overrule single MC codes. When the multiple MC card is used, the MC code will remain until it is cleared again. A maximum of 100 multiple MC cards can be created.
To add a new multiple MC card, go to Communication - Special Card Manager and click .
Adding a new multiple MC card in Special Cards Manager window in Astrow Web
Fill in the following:
Name: Enter a description of the MC card of maximum 64 characters.
Badge no.: Enter an identification (badge number) for the MC card of maximum 16 characters.
MC: Select the MC code from the drop-down list.
Save the changes made to add the card.
New multiple MC card definition in Special Cards Manager window in Astrow Web
In edit mode you can change all information added:
Editing a multiple MC card in Special Cards Manager window in Astrow Web