New/Edit Multiple MC CardMultiple MC cards are cards or fingerprint templates that are linked to the MC codes. A multiple MC card can only be linked to one MC code. However, different cards can be linked to the same MC code.
The multiple MC card is used to append a MC code to the clockings of a group of employees. Repeat MC codes always overrule single MC codes. When the multiple MC card is used, the MC code will remain until it is cleared again. A maximum of 100 multiple MC cards can be created.
To add a new multiple MC card, go to Communication - Special Card Manager and click
Fill in the following:
Name: Enter a description of the MC card of maximum 64 characters.
Badge no.: Enter an identification (badge number) for the MC card of maximum 16 characters.
MC: Select the MC code from the drop-down list.
Save the changes made to add the card.
In edit mode you can change all information added: