Manage Booking Requests

Booking requests authorization is possible only with MSS license. Bookings and Bookings MC which require authorization will be processed in Astrow Web in calculations only after the approval of the manager (team leader for the group type Missing booking request group - see Tab General - Define an Employee Group).
For more details about booking requests, see Booking Requests. For more details about bookings MC, see Master Codes.
To approve bookings, go to Operations - Manage Requests - tab Bookings:
Manage booking requests window in Astrow Web
To approve a booking, click on the grant button . To refuse one, click on the refuse button .
If a simple booking request is denied, the booking will not be added. If a booking MC is denied, it will be counted as a simple booking (default) and added. If you have both type of bookings, a simpler way to approve is to sort bookings by type.
To multiple select requests for approve, it can be helpful to sort the requests by type first. Only requests of a type can be approved at once.
Sorting booking requests by type in Manage booking requests window in Astrow Web
List of operational buttons in Operations - Manage Requests - tab Bookings:
Authorizes bookings MC.
Authorizes booking requests.
Rejects bookings MC.
Rejects booking requests.
Bookings MC can be also authorized or rejected from daily view. Double-click on the record to authorize bookings from there.
Daily view from Manage request tab Bookings in Astrow Web