Make a New Absence Request

To make absence requests, go to Operations - New Request.
New Absence Request window in Astrow Web
The following is a description of the New Absence Request screen:
Monthly calendar, current date marked.
List of absences defined for the user to use in Astrow Web.
List of authorization time types defined in Astrow Web.
A free field for a comment the requester can submit when sending the request.
Possibility of viewing the absences registered or scheduled of other team mates.
Possibility of adding a file (e.g. medical file).
Include non working days option.
This allows you to add the absence for non-working days. If not checked, the absence will not be saved for those days.
Navigation buttons for time periods:
moves to previous period;
moves to previous day;
current element;
moves to next day;
moves to next period.
The number of months to see in the view:
The starting month of the view:
Year to be displayed:
Show day program option.
This will display the day program.
Only holidays option.
If checked, this will display only absences with a holiday counter linked and not all absences.
For more details related to settings for absences, refer to chapter Absences and Holidays Definitions.
For more details related to number of days in the past / future to edit bookings, see System Settings - Tab Application Config.
For more details related to team scheduled absences, see View Team Scheduled Absences.