Report Archive

In Reports Archive you can download your reports anytime. To check or download your reports, go to Reports - Reports Archive. Reports Archive window opens:
Reports Archive window in Astrow Web
To save the report in CSV and Excel. Select it and click the appropriate buttons, or . Suite legacy reports can be also downloaded in PDF .
Generating the report in CSV in Reports Archive window in Astrow Web
Example of report in CSV:
Example of an CSV report generated in Astrow Web
Example of report in Excel:
Example of an Excel report generated in Astrow Web
If you want to open it in html, just click on the report name link.
Example of report in html:
Example of a html report generated in Astrow Web
To view the report details (run the parameters the report was generated), select it and click or double-click on the row (see View Report Options).
To delete a report, select it and click .
To generate a new report, click the button . This is a shortcut to Report Definitions.
Please note that all the reports are stored in the database. We strongly recommend you to delete the old unnecessary reports from time to time to save space.