Tab Illness Control

The parameters are defined in Settings - System - Illness control. They are by default set with the values indicated in the current legislation in Norway; changes are permitted with administrator permissions.
Illness control system settings in Astrow Web
The following is a list of settings in Astrow Web:
Use illness control: If YES, illness control will be enabled; if NO, illness control will not be displayed in Employees.
Min. employment (months): The number of months the employees must work in the company before being allowed to have a self certificate (SC). This parameter is used by both rules, current value is 2.
Post illness min. work interval: The interval expressed in calendar days the employee must work between two incidents. This parameter is used by both rules, current value is 16.
Self certificate yearly incidents (Basic): The maximum number of self certificate incidents the employees is granted. This parameter is used with Basic, current value is 4.
Max. self certificate days per interval (Basic): The maxim self certificate (SC) days allowed in an interval. This parameter is used with Basic, current value is 3.
Left incidents before notification (Basic): The number of incidents left to be taken before the user gets a notification from the system. This is set to acknowledge the user that one or more incidents are left for self certificate (SC). This parameter is used with Basic, current value is 1.
Yearly max. illness days (EIA): The number of maximum self certificate days allowed in a year. This parameter is used with Exception for IA, current value is 24.
Illness max. days in interval (EIA): The maximum number of cumulated days the employee can take in an interval. This parameter is used with Exception for IA, current value is 8.
Illness interval duration (EIA): The illness interval duration expressed in calendar days. This parameter is used with Exception for IA, current value is 16.
Left days before notification (EIA): The number of self certificate days left to be taken before the user getting a notification. This parameter is used with Exception for IA, current value is 4.
Self certificate absence: Assign the self certificate absence from the list (please note the absence should be defined for this purpose only);
Doctor certificate absence: Assign the doctor certificate absence from the list (please note the absence should be defined for this purpose only);
Doctor certificate absence >16: Assign the doctor certificate absence > 16 from the list (please note the absence should be defined for this purpose only).
Notify after x days: This notifies HR and manager by email if an absence Doctor certificate absence > 16 exceeds the number of days defined here.
For detailed explanations about the definitions of absences to be used with illness control policy, see Illness Control Key Settings.