Tab System config.

System config. tab of System settings window in Astrow Web
Allow duplicate employees numbers: If YES, this will allow duplicate Employee No.
Allow Mobile Activity empty notes: This is used with Mobile Activity (see Activity Management). If YES, managers can book the start and the end of an activity without notes; if NO, the manager must add a note for the start and the end of each activity.
Calculation engine language: Enter the language to be used when executing the automatic communication. Calculation messages (see Application log) will be saved in the database in the language chosen.
Company Id: This ID is used in extended export.
Company name: The company name is used when generating reports.
Delete inactive employees from groups: If YES, this enable the deletion of inactive employees from groups.
Employee number format: Here you can choose if the Employee no. will be text or integer.
Enable operation logging: If checked, this option will activate the operation log.
Keep real bookings: Astrow automatically saves a copy of every booking given on any connected terminal in the database. Even when changing the booking, these real bookings can be consulted in the daily overview (see Daily View Window in Team Manager). If you uncheck this option, you will deactivate this automatic option and the real bookings will be completely deleted from the database.
Mark edited bookings: If YES, the edited bookings will be marked (see Daily View Window in Team Manager); if NO, the history of editing bookings will not be kept.
No. of days to keep log: Enter the number of days to keep the operation log (between 7 and 365) the log files will be kept in the database. After this number of days the old log files are automatically deleted. The default value for this parameter is 30 days.
No. of days to keep bad bookings: Bad bookings are bookings without a badge defined in the system. Here you can fill in the number of days the bad bookings have to be kept (between 7 and 365 days).
No. of months to keep archive on HD: Define for how long to keep data on the hard disk.
Polling cycle (sec): Define the number of seconds between the polling sessions (automatically getting bookings from the terminal and sending back results to Astrow).   
Use 'Standard Start-End' instead of 'Core Start-End' for early leave/late arrival calculation: Use this parameter to switch to the Standard Start/End parameter (if specified in the day program) instead of the Core Start/End for the authorization of absences. When this option is checked, this parameter will be taken into consideration – instead of using the Core time parameter - when using MC codes for late arrival or early departure.
Use hexadecimal badge numbers: If YES, Astrow can read in hexadecimal badge numbers (PAC).
Week starting day: This option enables the users to define the day of the week their working week starts with.