Tab Timecard interface

Timecard interface tab of System settings window in Astrow Web
Column 1...12: The fields refer to counters to be displayed in individual timecards (chosen from the complete list of counters defined). The default counters to be displayed are BAL, REG and EFF.
To add more counters or change the existing ones, click on a free field. The following page opens:
Select window for counters to be displayed as default in Astrow Web
Select the counter to be added. You can also use the search field; counters can be searched by their short name or by their complete counter name, as defined.
Show periodic totals: If YES, periodic totals will be displayed in timecards; if NO, timecards will not show any periodic totals.
Expand to include full period: if YES, timecards will display also the past days over a period selected; if NO, all data displayed in timecards will start with the period selected by user.