Absences and Absences Authorization Levels Assignments to Employees

In Configuration - Employees - New/Edit - Tab System you can individually assign/change authorization levels to employees.
For more details about linking authorization schemes to an employee the employees definition, see Tab System - Add and Edit an Employee.
Or you can also link employees from an absence authorization definition in Configuration - Authorization - New/Edit - Tab Employees. In this case the information will appear automatically in employees definitions.
For more details about linking employees to an authorization schemes, see Tab Employees - Link Employees to an Absence Authorization Scheme.
In Configuration - Employees - New/Edit - Tab System you can individually assign/change absences to be used in absence requests.
For more details about linking absences to be used in absence requests to an employee the employees definition, see Tab Holiday - Define Holiday and Seniority to an Employee.
Or you can also link employees from an absence group in Configuration - Groups - Tab Absence groups - New/Edit - Tab Employees.
For more details about linking employees to absence groups, see Tab Employees - Link Employees to an Absence Group.