Astrow Web Installation on Windows 7, 8 and Windows Server 2008, 2011, 2012

Step 1: Extract content to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Astrow folder (which needs to be created first).
Step 2: Go to Start - Control panel - Administrative Tool - Internet Information Services Manager - Sites (for a quick open you can type inetmgr in a command prompt).
Step 3: Right click on Properties for Astrow click on Convert to Application.
Astrow folder Properties in IIS on Windows Sever 2011
Step 4: Use default Application Pool or select another one with the button Select...
Application pool in Add Application window
Step 5: Go to Application pools, select the application pool you set for Astrow Web application previously and make sure .NET Framework 2 or upper is active.
Editing Application Pools
Step 6: Edit c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\astrow\Web.config and set the database connection or other parameters.
<add name="ConnectionStringBusiness" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local);user id=sa;password=sa;"/>
<add name="ConnectionStringSecurity" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local);user id=sa;password=sa;"/>
Or for a trusted SQL connection:
<add name="ConnectionStringBusiness" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local); Trusted_Connection=True;"/>
<add name="ConnectionStringSecurity" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local); Trusted_Connection=True;"/>