Tab Core - Add/Edit a Day Program Core Rules

To add a day program, go to Configuration - Day Programs and click :
New/Edit day program window in Astrow Web
Define the following:
Code: Enter the number of the day program. Choose a number between 01 and 99 followed by a letter between A and O (01A, 01B, …, 01E, 02A,…). You can group a number of day programs that belong together and to make it easier to analyse data or to make corrections. The numbers from 90A to 99O are reserved for nonworking days (weekends, rest days, etc.). These day programs are displayed in a different colour in the monthly and yearly overviews and do not generate any anomalies.
Please note you cannot change the code of an existing day program.
Payroll: Enter a payroll code. This is compulsory if you want to use exports.
Name: Give a description of the day program (max. 32 characters). This name will appear in the selection list of the cycle.
Normtime A: These are the number of hours and minutes that are considered to be the normal daily performances. For balance calculations, this parameter determines whether the balance will be positive or negative: positive balance >= norm time, negative balance < norm time.
Core time: Enter the period of the day during which everybody is expected to be present. The break period is automatically excluded from this period. Any violation during this period is indicated by the anomaly detection. Keep in mind that this core time definition also has an effect on the calculation of certain absence codes.
Standard start/end: Optional data that may be used as an alternative to core time when adding absences type early leave and late arrival and also for exports when estimating in the future.
If Standard Start/End is not defined or the parameter Use 'Standard Start-End' instead of 'Core Start-End' for early leave/late arrival calculation in Settings - System config. is set on NO, the absences with early leave and late arrival will refer to core time.
Standard Start/End must be set for exports when estimating in the future, otherwise the estimation will not be possible.
Day ending: This item is used only for day programs that overlap a physical day, e.g. for night work situations. In this case the day of calculations, the logical day, can be more than 24 hours. The parameter specifies when the logical or shift day program ends. Always enter the time + 24:00 hours to indicate that the day program ends the next day, e.g. a shift ending at 06:00 the next day is 24:00 + 06:00 = 30:00. In case your shift ends in the same physical day, no need for this parameter to be filled. Keep in mind that the core time you enter in the same day program will match this parameter.
Setting a night shift in Tab Core in New/Edit day program window in Astrow Web
Overtime: Select the overtime group from the drop-down menu if there are any defined. If not, you can create one by clicking . See Overtime Groups for more details.
Balance Limit: This item limits the number of hours and minutes that can positively influence the balance. Hours over this limit will not be saved.
Day minimum: This is the minimum number of hours to be performed a day. This value does not necessarily equal the norm time.
An example of core definition of a day program:
Example of settings in Tab Core in New/Edit day program window in Astrow Web