Tab Employees - Link Employees to an Absence Group

Here you can link the employees who use the absence group. Click to add employees to your absence group.
Employees tab in New absence group window in Astrow Web
Select the employees for assignment in the new window opened and click Select for adding.
For more details, see Employees List.
You can manually select employees or add a new filter. Use the button   to create a custom filter of employees if none defined. Click to add a filter and to clear the existing filter.
Use the button to  create a set of conditions to apply to your filter and the button to delete conditions from a filter.
Employees custom filter in Astrow Web
Use the button to apply the selection without saving it or you can apply and save the filter by choosing the button :
Saving an employees custom filter in Astrow Web
Click to cancel the filter.
You can switch between filters, add, edit or delete filters from the dropdown command list.
Employees custom filter dropdown command list in Astrow Web
If you want to delete the employees linked to an absence group in Configuration - Groups - Tab Absence groups - New/Edit Absence Group - Tab Employees, select the employees you want to delete and click :
Deleting employees in Add role window in Astrow Web
You can also search the employees by name, personal number or employee number. Use X to clear the search.
Save the changes made, or cancel if you want to exit without saving.