Tab Personal Details - Add Users Personal Details and Link Users to Employees

To add a user, go to Security - Users and click . Page Add user opens:
Adding a user in Astrow Web
User name: The name used to log in the applications and in reports.
Code: (optional) A code used for reports.
Password: An initial password set by admin.
Email: The email address. Use to add here the email set in Configuration - Employees - Edit employee - tab Personal Info, if the user is linked to employee.
Chat with: This is the option for chat (on web and mobile application). It is restricted for production environment, so here you can select the users the employee/user is allowed to chat with. The permission Chat must be also assigned to all users involved (for more details, see Chat).
List of employees to be linked with a user for chat option in Astrow Web
Employee name: Users in Astrow Web can be employees of the organization or other users (owner of the company, outsourced HR service). If you want to link a user to an employee, click the picker to select it. A list with employees not yet linked to a user opens:
List of employees to be linked with a user in Astrow Web
Use the search button to search by name, person number or employee number.
Enable login is by default checked. If you want to disable the account for a period of time, just uncheck it.
Use the button to unlink an employee from a user definition.