
This is a special calculation type. The user can set special overtime zones for each day program, but they will not be calculated until the employee has reached the norm time, e.g. 8 hours a day. 
Always check Reg. in the zone during which the hours are calculated as normal working hours. It is also important to mark OT in the tab Zones from the day program if you want this zone to be checked as overtime by Viking (it allows the overtime to be used). Viking will first use hours of the overtime group marked with 1 to fill up the missing hours till the norm time has been reached. If this group does not contain enough hours, group 2 will be used and so on. You can specify up to 9 overtime groups in the day program.
Viking pay group window in Astrow Web
Mark the OT box if you want these hours to be checked by Viking and add a sequence.
Overtime definition in day program in Astrow Web
Carry overs are not used for this type!