
Tab Levels - Add/Edit Level of Authorizations in an Authorization Scheme

Levels of authorization are conceived as filters an absence should pass for authorization (direct boss, boss of the boss, HR, etc.). If not approved, the absence will not be taken in consideration in daily balance.
Click to add a new level of authorization.
Adding a new level of authorization in a new authorization scheme in Astrow Web
You can add maximum 5 levels of authorization. On each level you can add up to 5 users, in case the first user to authorize is not available.
Click on the drop-down list to select a user who will authorize the absences first in the scheme you define.
Select user window for a level of authorization in Astrow Web
You can also search the users by name or their employee name if they are linked to employees:
Remember, absences can be authorized also by users that are not linked to employees, as General Director, outsourced HR service, etc.!
Select a user and click Save. Check Notify by email if you want the absence request to be sent by email to authorizer.
You have just added a user:
Click to add another user on the same level. You can define the second user to authorize the absence if, after a number of days, the request was not approved by the first one. This way the absence request will go for authorization to the first user defined in the level first, and if, after the period defined here, the absence was not approved / rejected, the absence request will go to the second user defined:
Adding a new user on a level of authorization, as a back-up authorizer, in Astrow Web
Use the buttons to increase or decrease the number of days.
Option in Astrow Web to set the number of days for the back-up authorizer to approve in case the first one is not available
Use the button to add another level of authorization. The first user from Level 2 receives the absence request only after one user from Level 1 approved it. If one user from Level 1 rejects the request, the user from Level 2 will not get the request and entire process stops.
Use the button if you want to delete users in a level, or to delete one complete level.
Example of a complete definition of a new level of authorization in Astrow Web
Save the changes if you want to exit, or go to tab Employees if you want to continue editing.