Time Card in Astrow Mobile

To see the time card from your mobile, go to menu and press Timecard:
Time Card in Astrow Mobile
Swiping left on the list will display the counters columns. However, you can see all in a single screen if the option Enable day details expand in Settings is On. In this case the time card will display a button to expand a daily view with details.
Time Card with day details expand in Astrow Mobile
The user can switch between 1 day view, 7 days view or monthly view by tapping on the buttons 1, 7 or 31. Tapping the left / right buttons will move to previous or next periods.
Time Card monthly view in Astrow Mobile
The daily view shows the bookings and absences. Swiping left will switch to counters and anomalies:
Time Card daily view in Astrow Mobile
In Setting , the user can select the order and content of the columns. Press the arrow to select other counters or drag-and-drop the columns to change the order.
Time Card settings in Astrow Mobile