Access event logger shows all logs from all GS terminals. Logs can be seen real time in each GS Manager page, but also history records can be tracked in a listed way. To see the complete access log, go to Access - Event logger:
Access event logger window in Astrow Web
Events can be searched by some defined combined criteria:
- Search can be made by terminal name, command or log details.
- Use the calendars to search the notifications in a time interval. You can search through previous month or next month . The button can help you easily select a date desired, if not the current year or month.
- You can choose to display notifications by type.
- You can choose to display notifications per terminal.
Unfold to see details of an event:
Event details in Access event logger window in Astrow Web

to reprocess failed actions or repeat the action in some cases:
Reprocess action in Access event logger window in Astrow Web
Use the button

to delete old events.