To add a booking in VT, go to Operations - New Booking and click Make Booking:
Making booking in Virtual Terminal in Astrow Web
A confirmation message window is displayed:
Save booking(s) confirmation window in Astrow Web
If a grace time correction has been filled in your employee definition in Configuration - Employees - New/Edit, you can choose the type of booking. Below you can see an example of booking with grace.
Making booking with MC in Virtual Terminal in Astrow Web
Four different booking types can be generated. The corresponding grace time will apply:
Generates the first booking of the day (GO booking);
Generates an OUT booking (in the break or other);
Generates an IN booking (usually from the break);
Generates the last booking of the day (END booking).
For more details about MC bookings definitions, see Master Codes.
When booking with master code, select the master code first.
Making booking with MC in Virtual Terminal in Astrow Web
For more details about MC bookings definitions, see Master Codes.
Three possible booking types will be available for generating a master code booking:
Generates the first booking of the day (GO booking);
Generates an OUT booking (in the break or other);
Generates an IN booking (usually from the break);
Generates the last booking of the day (END booking).
When booking with cost centers, select the cost center first.
Making booking with CC in Virtual Terminal in Astrow Web
Three possible booking types will be available for generating a cost center booking:
Generates a “Time&Cost” booking, first booking of the day. Grace time is applied.
Generates a “Time&Cost” booking IN with grace.
Generates a cost booking (change/switch job, no grace time applied).