Chop Rules

You can enter 4 different kinds of chop rules in the chop group definition. These rules determine the value a counter can have during and at the end of each period.

Chop rule 0

The maximum value you entered is the maximum amount of hours that can be added during each period. If you select this chop group, you can neither exceed the maximum value during a period nor on the last day of a period. From the moment the value of this counter has reached the maximum value, it will automatically be chopped, regardless if it reached or not the last day of the period. If this value is not exceeded, it will remain as it is.
Example A:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In the example below, this value will be exceeded:
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
14  but is chopped to 8 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 12 during the period
Value at end of period
Example B:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will sometimes be exceeded:
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
6  this value remains as it is since it did not exceed the periodical maximum
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 10 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
22  but is chopped to 14 during the period
Value at end of period

Chop rule 1

The maximum value you entered is the maximum amount of hours that can be added during each period. If you select this chop group, you can exceed the maximum value during a period, but it will be chopped at the last day of a period. If this value is not exceeded, it will remain as it is.
Example A:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will be exceeded:
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
14  but is chopped to 8 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 12 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Example B:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will sometimes be exceeded:
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
6  this value remains as it is since it did not exceed the periodical maximum
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 10 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
22  but is chopped to 14 at the end of the period
Value at end of period

Chop rule 2

The maximum value you entered is the maximum amount of hours this counter can have during all periods. If you select this chop group, you can neither exceed the maximum value during a period nor on the last day of a period, regardless if it reached or not the last day of the period. From the moment the value of this counter has reached the maximum value, it will automatically be chopped. If this value is not exceeded, it will remain as it is.
Example A:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will be exceeded:
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
14  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Example B:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will sometimes be exceeded
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
2  this value remains as it is since it did not exceed the periodical maximum
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
22  but is chopped to 4 during the period
Value at end of period

Chop rule 3

The maximum value you entered is the maximum amount of hours this counter can have during all periods. If you select this chop group, you can exceed the maximum value during a period, but it will be chopped at the last day of a period. If this value is not exceeded, it will remain as it is.
Example A:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will be exceeded
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
14  but is chopped to 8 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 12 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Example B:    
Maximum value = 4 hours
In this example, this value will sometimes be exceeded
Value at end of period
Value during the period
10  but is chopped to 4 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
2  this value remains as it is since it did not exceed the periodical maximum
Value at end of period
Value during the period
18  but is chopped to 4 at the end of the period
Value at end of period
Value during the period
22  but is chopped to 4 at the end of the period
Value at end of period