HR Managers (users with HR role in the application) are responsible for informing the employees about any change in their personal data. In the Employees list the following are considered personal data:
For any changes of these data, the HR manager must inform the employee and receive their consent. In this respect, statuses GDPR Notified and GDPR Informed reflect the activity of HR managers. Please note that these are both manual activities, the HR managers having the option to print GDPR data, to send by email all personal data or to inform the employee in a different way and manually update the status.
To print personal data for one employee, go to Configuration - Employees, select the employees and click  :
GDPR print option in Employees in Astrow Web
Personal data print in Employees in Astrow Web
You can print the General Data view and inform the employees with no email address (*data in example is fictive):
GDPR print example in Employees in Astrow Web
If your employees have an email address assigned, you can send this information by email. To do this, go to Configuration - Employees, select the employees and click  :
GDPR notify by email option in Employees in Astrow Web
An email will be sent to all employees selected:
GDPR notify by email selected options in Employees in Astrow Web
Notification if the employee doesn't have an email assigned (set in Employees - New/Edit - Personal Info). For employees who don't have an email assigned, information can be printed with option  .
The subject of the email can be edited.
Include data as email attachment: If checked, data is also put in an html file as attachment.
Include personal files: If checked, a link with all personal files is added to download the files in archive.
Employee was notified about data changes (GDPR Notified): Change GDPR Notified in Employees list.
Employee gave consent on data changes (GDPR Consent): Change GDPR Consent in Employees list.
This is an example of the email (*data in example is fictive):
GDPR email example in Employees in Astrow Web
If you inform your employee about his/her personal data in another way than using Astrow, you can update here the status of sending the information and receiving their consent by just updating manually the status. To do this, go to Configuration - Employees, select the employees and click  :
GDPR updating status option in Employees in Astrow Web
You can update one of the statuses or both.
GDPR changes status options in Employees in Astrow Web