Licensing AstrowUsing CodeMeterAct, license activation, and update are done by several steps, as presented below (Licensor = Amano, Licensee = customer):
The activation process contains three files:
When licensing Astrow, we will distinct between:
New license activation: CodeMeter application is newly installed or reinstalled, and, in this case, the process will require a new empty file to be written (see Generating a New Request File). A new license file is needed when installing the application for the first time or when changing the server (except making the dongle licenses that are not bound to the hardware; in this case, you just plug it in the new server).
Update license: There is a license deployed already, and, in this process, the existing file will be updated (see Generating an Update Request File). Updating a license means: changing the Astrow application version, changing the options, extend or set the expiration date.