Projects Bookings by QR Code or Barcode

To add a project booking on a mobile terminal by scanning a code, press Project register and then scan the code:
Adding a project booking on mobile terminal
Select the project:
Projects listed on mobile terminal
Select the component:
Project components listed on mobile terminal
Select the activity:
Project activities listed on ST-25 Terminal
Select Start job to enter a project booking:
Start project booking on ST-25 Terminal
The activity has started:
Start project booking confirmation on ST-25 Terminal
To add an end project booking, press Project register and scan the code. This will automatically identify the open project:
End project on mobile terminal
If the parameter Enable Projects quantity in the definition of the terminal (see Projects on Mobile Terminal) is checked, you will be required to fill the quantity at the end of each project (must be different than zero - for example, 5 pages of copy editing):
End project booking with quantity on ST-25 Terminal
The project work is ended:
End project booking confirmation on mobile erminal