MCs Definitions to Be Used with VT
You can use management codes bookings with Virtual Terminal and mobile. MCs to be authorized must be properly defined first.
For more details about master codes definitions, see Master Codes.
If you want to use MCs with Virtual terminal and mobile without authorization, go to Configuration - Master Codes and check Booking assigned:
Assigning MCs to Virtual Terminal and mobile in Astrow Web
If you want to use MCs with the Virtual Terminal and mobile, but to be authorized after, also check To be authorized after use:
MC definition for authorization in Astrow Web
You also need to check the types of bookings to be used with MC when booking from VT / mobile. There are four types of bookings:
Generates the first booking of the day (GO booking);
Generates an OUT booking (in the break or other);
Generates an IN booking (usually from the break);
Generates the last booking of the day (END booking).
MC types of bookings definition in Astrow Web
Next, go to the pay group linked to employee definition in Configuration - Pay Groups, select the pay group and make sure the options Accept overtime MC from terminal and Accept absence MC from terminal are checked. This way, the MC booking will require a management authorization in Astrow Web.
MC definition for authorization in Astrow Web