Employee Data Change Request

In View - Personal Data, an ESS user can see his/her personal data stored in Astrow and request the HR to change any of the fields. Personal data is considered:
  • Name and picture
  • Biometric templates
  • Data corresponding to tab Personal Info (tab General Data)
  • Data in tab Free Items (tab Free Items)
  • Personal files (tab Files).
Personal Data in Astrow Web
In tab General Data, employees can make change requests of their personal data. To modify a field, click on mark.
Changing personal data in Astrow Web
The field change box opens. Here you can write the new data or correct the old one:
Changing personal data field in Astrow Web
The changed fields will be marked with both old value and new one:
Creating a request of personal data change in Astrow Web
Saving will send the request to HR for approval. You can see your request in My Request:
Sending a personal data change in Astrow Web
Tab Free Items is view only.
Personal free items change in Astrow Web
In tab Files, employees can see and download the files considered sensitive data. These files are marked by HR as sensitive in Employees Files.
Downloading personal data files in Astrow Web