Change Own Day Program in Yearly ViewTo change your own day program for multiple days, go to View - Yearly View, select the cells and Actions - Change day program (or right-click - Change day program):
Change day program window opens:
The current day program appears marked. You can change the selection by choosing another day program defined and changing the day start, if you switch from day to night programs or other.
Replace with cycle DP current day: If checked, the option switches to the day program in the cycle assigned to employee in Employee's definition on the active period in Astrow;
Change day start: If checked, the option will enable the possibility to change the start of a logical day. A logical day can be set between -23:59 and +47:59 hours:
To change the day program, select the desired one from the list, change the day start if the case and save.
To switch back to the day program in the cycle assigned to employee in employee definition for the current period, just check the option Replace with cycle DP current day.
If you have activated the possibility of changing the day start on the next day (see Change Day Program in Team Manager for more details), two more options are available:
Replace with cycle DP on next day: If checked, the option switches to the day program in the cycle assigned to employee in Employee's definition on the active period in Astrow, starting with the next calendar day;
Next day start: If checked, the option will enable the possibility to change the start of a logical day, starting with the next calendar day. A logical day can be set between -23:59 and +47:59 hours:
You can also search the day program desired by name and code. Use X to clear the search.
Use the refresh button to refresh the page.