You can change the day program with the corresponding day start as set in the definition of the day program, or you can define a new day start that will temporary overwrite the day start in the day program's definition. For day shifts, the day start will be always within a calendar day (00:00 - 23:59). However for night shifts, sometimes it is necessary that the day start of the changed day program to be set for the next calendar day. Therefore in Astrow there are two possibilities:
1. Default - the day program and day start will be changed within the current day:
Changing the day program default option in Astrow Web
2. Custom - the day program and day start can also be changed within the next day:
Changing the day program custom option in Astrow Web
Activating the change day program for next day options:
a. For local installations: Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\astrow, open the file Web.config with Notepad++ and set the parameter EnableDPChangeNextDayStart to 1.