
    ST-25 Visitor Check-in

    To check in a visitor, go to the terminal.
    ST-25 Terminal
    If your configuration is ASTROW, press Visitor. Here you can type visitors details:
    ST-25 Terminal check in visitor empty fields
    At the first 3 letters, a list with possible contact persons appears. If this doesn't happen, go to Visitor configuration and check the option Use autocomplete for host selection.
    Filling in the contact person details on ST-25 Terminal
    Press Next to continue:
    ST-25 Terminal check in visitor details
    Click Register to check in:
    Registering a visitor on ST-25 Terminal
    If your policy includes taking a picture at check-in, the next step is adjusting the picture:
    Adjusting the picture on ST-25 Terminal
    Press the picture button to take the picture. You can also press the button to change the countdown timer from 3 seconds (default) to other options.
    Saving the picture on ST-25 Terminal
    Press OK to register.
    The visitor had been registered.
    Registered message on ST-25 Terminal