Visitors import works with the license Visitors registration. The import will bring visitor records from a CSV file in Astrow Visitors.
Visitors import tab in Astrow IO Service
To import visitor records, you need to create the import CSV file. The file must contain the following structure:
Operation, Uid, Name, Time, Terminal, Contact Person, Company, License Plate, ID Card No, Visit purpose, Contact Person Id, Email, Phone no, Company Site Code, Photo
checkin, 87D71824-1585-45DB-AB05-2FB0D769EDC0, Adam Johnson, 2021/01/21 09:12:17, Gate1, Bruno Johns, A&B, J-622, 12345, Delivery, 0,, 4343, '190', /9j/4AAQSkZJ...
Import settings
Operation: checkin or checkout.
Uid: The unique ID generated with a GUID/UUID generator.
Name: The name of the visitor.
Time: The time of the checkin /checkout.
Terminal: The terminal to register the visit.
Contact person: The contact person from the company.
Company: The company the visitor represents.
License plate: The visitor's car license plate.
ID card no.: The ID of the visitor.
Visit purpose: The visit purpose.
Contact person ID: The person number of the contact person or the ID of the employee group (from the database - it must contain the character '-' in front, e.g. -1234)
Email: The visitor's email.
Phone no.: The visitor's phone number.
Company site code: The company site code - it must be written between quotation marks, e.g.: 'South'
Photo: The code of the photo generated with a Base64 image encoder, e.g.: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABg... (Please note that you need to copy the entire code, as in the example below).
Visitor records for import in Astrow Web
Save the settings made

before running the import.
To run the import, put the file in the import folder. You will notice that this action creates 3 folders: completed, failed, and incomplete. The service will check at the scheduled time for the import file and import data if existing. Depending on the operation status, the import file will be moved to one of the folders.