
Astrow Web Manual Installation on Windows Server 2003

Step 1: Extract AstrowWeb.zip content to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Astrow folder (which needs to be created first).
Step 2: Go to Start - Control panel - Administrative Tool - Internet Information Services Manager - Web Sites (for a quick open you can type inetmgr in a command prompt).
Step 3: Right click on Properties for Astrow.
Astrow folder Properties in IIS on Windows Sever 2003
Step 4: Click on the Create button in the Virtual Directory tab and then select an application pool from the Application Protection combo. Then click Apply.
Astrow folder Properties  Virtual Directory tab
Step 5: Click the button Edit in Directory Security tab in the Anonymous access and authentication control section.
Editing Anonymous access and authentication control in Properties  Directory Security tab
Step 6: Select Enable anonymous access and Integrated Windows authentication checkboxes.
Verifying access and authentication options in Authentication Methods in Properties  Directory Security tab  Anonymous access and authentication control Edit...
Step 7: In ASP.NET tab make sure ASP.NET version is 4.0 or upper.
Checking the .net version in Properties  ASP.NET
Step 8: Edit c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\astrow\Web.config and set the database connection or any other parameter.
<add name="ConnectionStringBusiness" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local);user id=sa;password=sa;"/>
<add name="ConnectionStringSecurity" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local);user id=sa;password=sa;"/>
Or for a trusted SQL connection:
<add name="ConnectionStringBusiness" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local); Trusted_Connection=True;"/>
<add name="ConnectionStringSecurity" connectionString="Database=AstrowDB;Server=(local); Trusted_Connection=True;"/>