Here you can program/edit a new task (Operations - Task Schedule - New/Edit Task):
New task window in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
You can program a number of actions to include in your task and to be executed at the exact moment. The programmed actions can be: to run a report or an export execution, get PIP status by email (per user) and synchronize terminals. The new task will thus contain:
Name: The name of the task;
Enabled: If checked, the task is active; if not, the task is inactive.
Daily: If checked, the task will repeat daily at the time set
. If nothing set and task active, it will run at 00:00.
Weekly: If checked, the task will repeat on a weekly basis, at the time programmed. You can select one day of the week or more.
Setting time for a weekly command in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
Monthly: If checked, the task will be repeated on a monthly basis, at the time set, depending on your settings. You can choose a certain day of the month:

, or based on the weekly repeat:
Setting time for a periodic monthly occurrence by week command Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
To add a new action, click

. You can add a run report execution, a run export execution, get PIP or synchronize terminals.
1. Add a run report/export action:
In the select window, choose run report/run export:
Selecting action time Run report/export in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
Click on the execution field to select an execution:
Preparing to choose an execution of report/export in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
Please make sure you have executions saved. To save an execution, you need to have executed a report/export configuration with command Generate & save parameters. See Reports and Exports for more details.
A list will all available executions for the user will open. Select the execution.
Selecting a report/export execution in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
2. Add a Get PIP action:
Managers can receive a PIP presence report by email with the action Get PIP (see Presence Indication Panel (PIP) for more details). You can select one team, or all teams you are a manager of. Please note this works only with PIP permissions.
Defining a Get PIP action in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
3. Sync terminals time:
Using this actions, the time on the terminals can be periodically synchronized. For this you need a terminal configuration permission (Configure Terminals or Configure Terminals - Advanced).
Defining a Sync terminals time action in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
4. Import employees:
Here you can plan an automatic import of employees from text files.
For guidelines in creating the import options, please see Import Employees first!
Defining an import employee task schedule in Astrow Web
Select the path of the folder for import files. Here you will put the files each time you need to import.
Defining the path of the import file when adding an import employee task schedule in Astrow Web
to check the import options:
Import options for the file to be imported periodically
All import files must have the same configuration.
You can search by command
, add, edit or delete actions from you task. Save you task definition to apply.
Complete definition of task in Task Scheduler in Astrow Web
5. Send notification: